We have been accepted into the AGrowth accelerator program run by Nest.vc supported by NIA, Siam Kubota and RISC. During the next 3 months until december 2019, we will be running a POC with Sima Kubota on one of their sugar plantation to develop a health estimate algorithm to be used by the sugar mills to predict yield and Brix (Sweetness) of sugar for harvesting. We use drones for collecting data on agriculture crops then utilise big data analytics to predict conditions on farms such as yield estimations, health estimations, optimal harvesting schedule etc.
Our business model is on a subscription basis, where once we have an accurate algorithm for detecting crops, we will then charge a monthly subscription for using the algorithm and software.
Finding Incubators/ Accelerators, Finding Investees, Finding Investors, Finding Mentees, Finding Mentors, Partnerships with Corporates, Partnerships with Intermediaries, Partnerships with Startups