What is Smart Visa

Thailand has been making a series of efforts in driving the economy through innovation. The Thai Government has taken another step to attract talents and technologies with a view to further developing its targeted industries or the so called S-Curve industries. The SMART Visa program has then been designed to enhance Thailand’s attractiveness in drawing science and technology experts, senior executives, investors and startups. The program has been launched on February 1, 2018.

The SMART Visa is a new type of visa designed to attract highly skilled manpower and investors to help accelerate the development of the country’s targeted industries. SMART Visa is offered to foreign experts, executives, entrepreneurs and investors who wish to enter into the Kingdom of Thailand to work or to invest in the following “13 S-Curve industries” or the country’s targeted industries.

Targeted Industries

How to Apply

The applicants for SMART Visa must have qualifications according to the criteria specified by the office of the Board of Investment. Their qualifications will be verified by relevant agencies. After technical and non-technical endorsements have been obtained, the SMART Visa unit will then proceed to issue a letter of qualification endorsement which the applicant will bring to the Royal Thai Embassies or Royal Consulates (in case of residing overseas) or the Immigration Bureau at the One Stop Center for Visas and Work Permits or EEC Labour Administration Center in Chonburi in order to file for SMART Visa.

Procedures for Qualification Endorsement Application and SMART Visa Issuance

  1. Register for online qualification endorsement application for SMART Visa on https://smart-visa.boi.go.th and activate an online account through a confirmation e-mail.
  2. Complete an application form for the type of SMART Visa you wish to apply (S 2-year, and O if any) and make sure that you have a PDF version of the required documents you will need to upload and submit after the application form and required documents are all uploaded. By completing the online application, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted the qualification endorsement requirements.
  3. Within 30 working days after having received complete documents, OSS will notify the applicant, the Immigration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the relevant agencies of the result of qualification endorsement application.
  4. The qualified applicant can then proceed with applying for SMART Visa issuance at one of the following places, within 60 days from issuance date of the endorsement letter, which will be used as one of the supporting document for application. The processing fee is 10,000 Baht per year of visa permission (cash only).
    • The Royal Thai Embassies/The Royal Thai Consulate Generals (in case of residing overseas)
    • The Immigration at One Stop Service Center for Visa and Work Permit(OSS), Chamchuri Square Building, Bangkok
    • EEC Labour Administration Center in Chonburi