SMART I (Investor)
Investors in technology-based business in the targeted industries.
Qualifications and Criteria
- Minimum investment of either of the following amounts:
- Directly investing in technology-based business in the targeted industries in Thailand, as an individual investor or through a venture capital company in Thailand for a total amount of at least 20 million Baht.
- Directly investing as an individual investor for a total amount of at least 5 million Baht in a startup or an incubation or accelerator program endorsed by relevant agencies. The investor can invest in more than 1 business but must maintain the investment throughout the validity period of Smart Visa.
- The business to be set up or invested in must be certified as technology-based in manufacturing or delivering services in the targeted industries by relevant government agencies such as the National Innovation Agency (Public Organization), Digital Economy Promotion Agency, and National Science and Technology Development Agency.
- In case of investing through a venture capital company, the investment must be certified by relevant agencies as being either a venture capital company investing in the technology-based business in manufacturing or delivering services in the targeted industries.
- Maximum renewable 4-year visa.
- No work permit required for working with an entity or government agency. In case of changes of jobs, additional endorsements in accordance with the relevant requirements must be obtained.
- 90-day reporting to the Immigration at the One Stop Service Center extended to 1 year.
- No re-entry permit required.
- Spouse and children granted permission to stay in Thailand for the same duration as the Smart visa holder. The spouse granted permission to work with no work permit required.
- Access to a fast-track service at international airports in Thailand (where available).