Yindii (Watawaste Co. Ltd)

Digital marketplace services for food merchants . Technologies is employed to increase efficiency for food merchants to finish their stocks as fast as possible and help them find customers ready to buy it at discounted prices. Merchants can reduce losses, make a new revenue streams & find new customers that will try out the food. We built a mobile app for stores to upload offers and for customers to buy food at discounted prices.


33% of the food produced around the world ends up in landfills. Food merchants are losing up to 16% of their revenues that end up wasted. A huge part of food waste is actually high-quality surplus. It's hygienic, edible and safe, but doesn't find a buyer at the right price, time and place.

Yindii is an app that bridges the distance between sellers of quality food surplus and eco-conscious consumers. Users can shop for unsold food items or fresh produce that are untouched, from restaurants and shops, at discounted prices. Consequently, Yindii commercializes a SaaS platform to manage and sell surplus stock. Our platform is free to set up and run for retailers and Yindii takes a commission on success sale. As the platform is used and shared by over 150 retailers and brands in Thailand and more than 35.000 people (May 2021).

"When it comes to food waste, this is a win-win-win situation for customers, businesses and the planet" Channel 4, ThaiPBS


Under construction

Company registration date : 5 May 2020

STARTUP SECTOR : Digital Smart Electronics



General Manager Asia

Ulrich Van Brakel


Sasinant Boonchien

Customer Success Director


+66(0) 840954071


