Lawtech Thai

Personnel training and asset certifications are at the core of many industries' operations. It ensures that equipment are ready to be used for the job and that the personnel operating them are qualified. Records show that many accidents and incidents are caused by using uncertified equipment and/or unqualified personnel. With our free Ayunyan android and desktop app, it takes minutes instead of hours to make sure everything is ready to go. In the event an asset is due to be certified, requests can be made on-site, on the app, making the whole process of recertification multiple times faster and cost effective. User would also be able to notify asset owners of any changes in the asset's condition (e.g. damage during shipment, expired certificates, etc), making the process of communication with all parties easier. Inspecting companies will use the free Ayunyan app to certify the assets on-site, on the app and uploaded live on the internet making the process so much more easier. No more wasteful printing of paper certificates, scanning and uploading to local servers. With the added benefit of location tagging during the verification process, supply chain and operations personnel will have a clear picture of asset locations with out paying thousands of dollars on alternative GPS hardware based solutions. Certifications will be written on a private blockchain network assuring enhance security, traceability and transparency.


Ayunyan works on a two sided market-freemium business model. On the one side are the users who can freely use the basic Ayunyan functionality to check an asset's operational status one asset at a time and create notifications to asset owners. This encourages it's frictionless adoption, ubiquity and by extension promote a safer work environment. To create, email and print lists/reports of valid and expired equipment and make re/certification request directly to the certification service suppliers, an annual subscription will have to be purchased. The other side of the market are the certification suppliers who will use the Ayunyan app as an interface to create the certificates, once the process of certification is complete. New assets can be uploaded for free while each recertification upload will be charged at a fixed rate. The motivation for certification service suppliers to use Ayunyan is that they will have direct access to the certification needs of owners or managers of the asset. Their company names will come on top of the list when a user request for recertification. (please see pages at the end for larger font)


Under construction

Company registration date : 29 June 2018



Holden Lagos

CEO and Director


(+66) 85-421-2677

Under construction